Ready to level up and thrive, even in the most uncertain times?

It's time to conquer your fears, uncertainty, and doubt that's been holding you back so you can finally live the life of you dreams.

Ready to level up and thrive, even in the most uncertain times?

It's time to conquer your fears, uncertainty, and doubt that's been holding you back so you can finally live the life of you dreams.

Elevate Your Success with the Ultimate Nighttime Routine! 💤✨

Are you ready to take your dreams to the next level?

Introducing the Nighttime Routine for Accelerated Success, a free downloadable guide designed specifically for our unstoppable babes!

Are you ready to transform your nights and watch your dreams come alive?

Download this life-changing routine now and start manifesting the greatness you deserve. Don't forget to share it with your fellow dream-chasers who could use an extra dose of inspiration.

Join the movement and unlock your accelerated success tonight!

Get your free downloadable routine now

Live the life of your dreams

Enrolling in the Rise of the Quantum Babe transformational program means that you're ready to experience massive success in your life that deep down you have always known that you were made for more.

If you’re on this page right now, it means you’re craving results. You’re hungry for so much more than you’re currently experiencing, and this ravenous appetite is just not getting satisfied right now.

You’re ready to experience MASSIVE success in your life. And deep down, you’ve always known that you were meant for more. The good news is that your success is already inevitable. And inside RQB you’ll see exactly how.

Let me know if you can relate to this

-Your life may have become stagnant. You feel uncertain about what you’re “supposed” to be doing with your life. Your relationships may be losing passion. And you’re becoming more and more discouraged by your career, health, or business.

-If you’re like all the other visionaries out there, you’ve been watching successful people live out their glamorous lives of freedom, hot body, luxury, and fun on the internet. You’ve been stalking them on Instagram or TikTok and wonder what makes THEM so special? And why am I still here, not getting any further ahead?

-They all say they manifested their lives to be this way, and that if they could do it, so could you. But for some reason. It’s not clicking for you.

-And even though you are trying to make things happen.. Nothing is shifting in your physical reality.

-And yet, you have this inner knowing that even though things aren't quite 100% amazing right now, one day they will be.

-There’s a whisper, a tiny little voice, urging you to trust yourself. To have faith. To seek out the answers. To take action.

And now you’ve been let to this very page.

Everything you’ve ever been taught

about Quantum Leaping is WRONG!

It’s counterproductive. It’s superficial. And quite simply, it’s just not working.

It’s leaving you feeling disappointed and overwhelmed with very little to show for all the house and hours you’ve spent building your vision board and watching motivational videos.

How do I know this?

First of all... I used to be that person wasting my time. In recent years, google searches like “ how to quantum leap”, “how to use the law of attraction”, or “how to manifest” have dramatically increased.

And more people than EVER are living their dream life today, thanks to the readily available information out there. There are also more people out there who aren’t.

I used to fall into the old beliefs that quantum leaping is a logical conscious mind process rather than an intuit, subconscious mind one. A process that could just be forced through action rather than one that is allowed through embodiment.

Thankfully I learned that there’s a much simpler way to easily and effortlessly manifest the things you want without getting caught up in the dogma of “just think and it will happen.”

If that worked... You wouldn’t be here right now reading these works on this page, would you?

I’ve been lucky enough to discover the success principles of quantum leaping at a young age and do through the frustrating trial and error of what works vs. what doesn’t. I’ve spent ten years of my life studying the mechanics of creation to figure out what works and what is just a bunch of BS that’s been passed down and regurgitated.

Trust me... I’ve tried everything!

And it wasn’t until I was about six years into my journey of all the trial and error that things finally clicked for me. I figured it out. I cracked the “code.”

And the reason for this is that the easily searchable and readily available teachings out there don’t take into consideration the deep-seated, unconscious, limiting beliefs that are not commonly taught techniques like, visualization or positive thinking, could ever overcome.

You see, most courses, books, and gurus out there will tell you to just “think positive, never feel bad about anything, get rid of everything low vibe in your life, and live in a perpetual, unattainable state of love and light, to be able to manifest your desires like more energy, more success, more money, a romantic relationship, a healthy body, a dream career.

And that’s not the fault of those who teach the old paradigm of quantum leaping.

Everything you’ve ever been taught

about manifesting is WRONG!

It’s counterproductive. It’s superficial. And quite simply, it’s just not working.

It’s leaving you feeling disappointed and overwhelmed with very little to show for all the house and hours you’ve spent building your vision board and watching motivational videos.

How do I know this?

First of all... I used to be that person wasting my time. In recent years, google searches like “ how to manifest”, “how to use the law of attraction”, or “how to destress” have dramatically increased.

And more people than EVER are living their dream life today, thanks to the readily available information out there. There are also more people out there who aren’t.

And the reason for this is that the easily searchable and readily available teachings out there don’t take into consideration the deep-seated, unconscious, limiting beliefs that are not commonly taught techniques like, visualization or positive thinking, could ever overcome.

You see, most courses, books, and gurus out there will tell you to just “think positive, never feel bad about anything, get rid of everything low vibe in your life, and live in a perpetual, unattainable state of love and light, to be able to manifest your desires like more energy, more success, more money, a romantic relationship, a healthy body, a dream career.

And that’s not the fault of those who teach the old paradigm of manifesting.

I used to fall into the old beliefs that manifestation is a logical conscious mind process rather than an intuit, subconscious mind one. A process that could just be forced through action rather than one that is allowed through embodiment.

Thankfully I learned that there’s a much simpler way to easily and effortlessly manifest the things you want without getting caught up in the dogma of “just think and it will happen.”

If that worked... You wouldn’t be here right now reading these works on this page, would you?

I’ve been lucky enough to discover the success principles of manifestation at a young age and do through the frustrating trial and error of what works vs. what doesn’t. I’ve spent ten years of my life studying the mechanics of creation to figure out what works and what is just a bunch of BS that’s been passed down and regurgitated.

Trust me... I’ve tried everything!

And it wasn’t until I was about six years into my journey of all the trial and error that things finally clicked for me. I figured it out. I cracked the “code.”

quantum leaping is more than just tapping into the Law of Attraction.

It’s more than sitting on your couch visualizing $10,000,000 and expecting to open your mailbox that same day with a ten-million-dollar check. It’s more than sitting in front of your computer making a digital vision board, putting it in as wallpaper on your phone and expecting to live that reality by the weekend.

There are much deeper elements that just aren't commonly talked about or taught.

When things finally clicked, I went from being stressed and sick to being healthy and full of energy, from being broke and struggling at a job I hate to making more than six figures in a business I love, from being in a boring, stagnant relationship to a more romantic, loving one, traveling the world with my soulmate and running a successful business in less than three years.

When you understand what truly works and what doesn’t everything changes.

In RQB, I’m going to share with you everything I’ve learned from studying the laws of the universe, the subconscious mind, quantum physics, Health & Nutrition, Psychology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, and Spirituality, and how I tested it all on myself and my clients over than past three years.

I know you have a vision that you want to bring to life, but right now it’s costing you.

It’s costing you your time with your family and friends It’s costing you your sanity as you try to juggle a million things at once It’s costing you your happiness because you feel like you keep repeating the year over and over without having anything to show for it. It’s giving you anxiety Maybe you’re even SO overwhelmed that you just want to give up…. But you don’t because you know there’s a better way.

Tired of looking for the secret hidden strategies that all successful people supposedly know that for some reason you don’t?

Ready to become ridiculously successful… for life?

If you answered Yes to even one of the questions above, the Rise of Quantum Babe program was created for you.


Imagine waking up everyday living your best life and that you’re only focused on the important details that let you up.

Imagine knowing you have ample time to live the life you LOVE. One that gives you the flexibility, freedom and time to enjoy every moment with those closest to you.

Imagine your life changing in a way that almost feels effortless, all while creating massive impact in the world and serving the people who TRULY need you.

Imagine how your family would experience you if you showed up present every day, and instead of being stressed out, overwhelmed and burnt out.

Imagine taking on obstacles by thinking “I can do this!” instead of “How am I going to do this?”


This is for you if you:

· Are a thought leader

· Want to live the best life ever

· Are committed

· Are worthy of all you desire

· Want to be happy in life

· Are a risk takes

· Want to take life to the next level

· Invest in your future

This is NOT for you if you:

· Want to stay comfortable

· Want an overnight solution

· Are not willing to put in the work

· Not willing to let go of stuff that’s not working

· Not willing to have an open mind

· Lazy

· Not willing to take life to the next level

· Are not committed

You’re looking for the missing key that you haven’t found yet.

You’re wondering if there’s some secret knowledge that “successful people” just aren't sharing with others. You’re realizing that there must be something you just don’t know.

I don’t know about you, but I certainly felt this way.

The answer? I simplified everything.

I demystified manifestation. I made it easy to understand. And most importantly, easy to implement.

Quantum Leaping is actually really easy, creating the life of your dreams is so much simpler than you think.

I modernized and simplified complex ancient and scientific teachings in quantum physics, energetics, health & nutrition so that anyone could apply them.

Come learn how it can be done in a much better way.

Very soon you WILL get the hidden blueprint that you’ve been looking for. I’m gonna lay it all our for you.

After years of coaching and helping clients become the best version of themselves by assisting them in transforming their mind, body, and emotions, I decided to make an online program where I can build a community and help more people in the world.

After years of coaching and helping clients become the best version of themselves by assisting them in transforming their mind, body, and emotions, I decided to make an online program where I can build a community and help more people in the world.


"I remember I used to tell you I was worried about something that could happen, and you said to me, “Why are you thinking of that? Stop spending your mental energy to things that haven’t happened and probably won’t.” The ripple effect was that you helped me realize I have control over what I choose to think about. This has helped alleviate anxiety and helped me make choices out of optimism instead of fear."

- Jessica

"That something that I want to do may not be the thing I need to do right this moment. I remember once I was lacking clarity and action on something and you said maybe it’s just not meant for me right now in this moment & you were spot on. I can still do it but it wasn’t something I needed to use my time on in those momentsThat something that I want to do may not be the thing I need to do right this moment. I remember once I was lacking clarity and action on something and you said maybe it’s just not meant for me right now in this moment & you were spot on. I can still do it but it wasn’t something I needed to use my time on in those moments."


"You shifted my mind set on confidence and financially strategizing and the result of the change mind set was, I have a lot more saved up in my bank account and I truly love myself more and love being more open and confident and sure of myself around others, maybe more self aware one might say :)"

- bani

"That you can do anything if you set your mind to it and keep on pushing. It reminds me to never settle for defeat and always give your all. Bc of that there is nothing that can stand in my way. Which gives me the strength and courage to try to new things no matter if it’s hard challenging or scary. Have faith."

- chandler

"I learned about the mind/body connection from you. If I see it in my mind, I can do it. I learned to be purpose driven in my approach to exercise and my body. Back to mind/body connection, I used my powers of visualization to accomplish exercises and balance I wasn’t sure I could do. This I learned from sabina. In all sincerity, I have worked with some great coaches. You are the best by far.."

- john

"I love working with Sabina she is very creative, knows how to get what she wants and has impeccable taste and vision for someone so young.. I highly recommend you work with her as she has value insights I haven't seen anywhere else"

- jEFF

© Copyright 2023. Quantum Babe, LLC. All rights reserved.